This is my portfolioThis is my portfolio

This is my portfolioThis is my portfolio

This is my portfolioThis is my portfolio

check out my workcheck out my work

check out my workcheck out my work

check out my workcheck out my work


Graphic Design

Motion Design

Graphic Design

Magazine Layout
Magnetic Magazine

Motion Design
10 sec video

Photography –
Advertising Campaign
for the brand Vans

Welcome to my site

I am Cecilia and here you have my portfolio, were you can see my latest work!

My dream is to be a great creator and visual storyteller.

I am an early bird that loves to start the morning being creative together with some coffe.

With my colorful soul I enjoy every minute of graphic design.

I love to combine color, font, layout and images to give you what you did not know you wanted.

Welcome to my site

I am Cecilia and here you have my portfolio, were you can see my latest work!

My dream is to be a great creator and visual storyteller.

I am an early bird that loves to start the morning being creative together with some coffe.

With my colorful soul I enjoy every minute of graphic design.

I love to combine color, font, layout and images to give you what you did not know you wanted.